February 2

On My Mind: Middle School Choices


P.S. / I.S. 30                                                                                                                                 Photo from: http://schools.nyc.gov/SchoolPortals/20/K030/default.htm

by Sam

Do you think middle school will be easy? Well I can change your mind heavily. Middle school is… NOT EASY, especially if you don’t listen. Middle school is obviously harder than elementary school.

According to what my sister, Stephanie said there is not much homework given in McKinley. To me, that sounds awesome! My sister, Christina that was in P.S/I.S 30 never told me if she got lots of homework or not, but I am sure that she got loads of homework. Based on just homework I think that McKinley would be a good fit for me.

However, I want to go to P.S/I.S 30. I want to go there because when I went with my mom to Parent Teacher Conferences for my sister, I got the chance to see the school and the teachers. The people that I met were pretty smart and seemed nice. I think that school could suit me well. I also think that I would enjoy staying there for a while.

I really like both of them, but I know that I can’t go to two schools. I know that I need to remember that not all schools will accept me.   We will soon enter middle school,  hopefully. The advice that I have for you is, good luck! We should listen to our teachers and hopefully we will successfully pass middle school.