January 5

Game Review: Virtual Reality Games

by Umair 

Virtual reality games are games that can really put you into the experience and bring you into the events of the game. Virtual Reality can be very fun. It may seem like there is nothing wrong with it, but I disagree.  While virtual reality was created for players to feel like they are experiencing the events in the game themselves, it can (and will!) damage your eyesight a bit because the screen is much closer to your eyes than a regular TV.

Virtual Reality games be may really fun but sometimes the television games might be more fun and better for your eyes. Virtual Reality headsets are also heavy which could ache your neck. Virtual Reality games are also very expensive, $70+ U.S Dollars! All in all virtual reality can be a waste of money and time, so just believe me and DON’T buy a virtual reality headset or a virtual reality game.


As you can see the virtual Reality screen is right next to the eyes.